Kamis, 24 Mei 2012


you just know my story, you don't know my history.
qoutes di atas mungkin cocok kali ya buat orang yang sukanya ngejudge orang doang tanpa tau semua tentangnya! HA-HA untuk anda yang seperti itu, tolong ya kalo gak tau apa-apa tentang gua jangan banyak comment. toh gua juga gak ngusik kehidupan anda! dan tolong ya, belom tentu lo itu lebih baik dari gua. yaa mungkin sama kaya peribahasa "Gajah dipelupuk mata tak nampak tapi semut diseberang pulau nampak" yang artinya kesalahan sendiri itu gak keliatan walaupun besar, tetapi kesalahan orang sekecil apapun itu pasti terlihat.

look at the mirror guys! ;) 

Jumat, 18 Mei 2012

Last competition SamanDance 11'012

Terakhir kalinya saman angkatan gua lomba. yaa.. gua emang gak ikutan karena gua udah keluar saman semenjak abis 46samfest ke 2. dan kemaren terakhir mereka itu lomba di 46samfest ke-3. 11 ngeluarin 3 tim, tim A,B dan C. you know team A pasti kelas 9. gua cuma bisa nonton dan ngasih supporter aja ke yang lomba dan ini gua sempet nge-videoin tapi... pas lagi ditengah-tengah enaknya ngevideoin tautau bb gua ke lock-___- jadi ke stop.ini hasil video tangan gua haha maaf ada yang ke pause karena tidak kesengajaan belaka, maklum masih amatir. see and enjoy!

even if you not be the winner, I still proud of you because you have tried! :)

Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

Perfume: The Story of Murderer

Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, born in the stench of eighteenth century Paris, develops a superior olfactory sense, which he uses to create the world's finest perfumes. His work, however, takes a dark turn as he tries to preserve scents in the search for the ultimate perfume.


The film begins with the sentencing of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille (Ben Whishaw), a notorious murderer. Between the reading of the sentence and the execution, the story of his life is told in flashback, beginning with his abandonment at birth in a French fish market. Raised in an orphanage, Grenouille grows into a strangely detached boy with a superhuman sense of smell. After growing to maturity as a tanner’s apprentice, he makes his first delivery to Paris, where he revels in the new odors. He focuses on a girl selling plums (Karoline Herfurth) and startles her with his behavior. To prevent her from crying out, he covers the girl’s mouth and unintentionally suffocates her. After realizing that she is dead, he strips her body naked and smells her until the scent fades. Afterwards, Grenouille becomes haunted by the desire to recreate the plum slicing girl’s scent.

After making a delivery to a perfume shop, Grenouille amazes the Italian owner, Giuseppe Baldini (Dustin Hoffman), with his ability to create fragrances. He revitalizes the perfumer’s career with new formulas, demanding only that Baldini teach him how to convert scents into perfume. Baldini explains that all perfumes are harmonies of twelve individual scents, and may contain a theoretical thirteenth scent. He also tells a story about a perfume discovered in an Egyptian tomb that was so perfect that it caused everyone in the entire world to briefly believe they were in paradise the moment the bottle was opened. When Grenouille discovers that Baldini’s method of distillation will not capture the scents of all objects, such as iron chains and dead animals, he becomes depressed. After receiving a letter of presentation written by Baldini, Grenouille leaves to learn a different method in Grasse. En route to Grasse, Grenouille realises that he has no scent of his own, and is therefore a cipher. He decides that creating the perfect smell will prove his worth.

Upon arrival in Grasse, Grenouille catches the scent of Laura Richis (Rachel Hurd-Wood), daughter of the wealthy Antoine Richis (Alan Rickman) and decides that she will be his “thirteenth scent”, the linchpin of his perfect perfume. Grenouille finds a job in Grasse under Madame Arnulfi (Corinna Harfouch) and Dominique Druot (Paul Berrondo) assisting with perfumes and learns the method of enfleurage. He kills a lavender picker and attempts to extract her scent using the method of hot enfleurage, which fails. After this, he tries the method of cold enfleurage on a prostitute and successfully preserves the scent of the woman. Grenouille embarks on a killing spree, murdering beautiful young girls and capturing their scents. He dumps the women’s naked corpses around the city, creating panic. After preserving the first twelve scents, Grenouille plans his attack on Laura. During a church sermon against him it is announced that a man has confessed to the murders. Richis remains unconvinced and flees the city with his daughter. Grenouille tracks her scent to a roadside inn and sneaks into her room that night. The next morning, Richis discovers Laura lying dead in her bed.

Soldiers capture Grenouille moments after he finishes preparing his perfume. On the day of his execution, he applies a drop of the perfume over himself. The executioner and the crowd in attendance are speechless at the beauty of the perfume; they declare Grenouille innocent before falling into a massive orgy. Richis, still convinced at Grenouille’s guilt, threatens him with his sword, before being overwhelmed by the scent and embracing Grenouille as his “son”. Eventually, the town awakens and decides that the godly Grenouille could not have been the murderer. Druot is convicted for the murders and hanged, since it was his backyard where the clothes and hair of the victims were found.

Walking out of Grasse unscathed, Grenouille has enough perfume to rule the world, but has discovered that it will not allow him to love or be loved like a normal person. Disenchanted by his aimless quest and tired of his life, he returns to Paris. Back in the city, Grenouille returns to the fish market where he was born and dumps the perfume on his head. Overcome by the scent and in the belief that Grenouille is an angel, the nearby crowd devours him. The next day, all that is left are his clothes and the open perfume bottle, from which one final drop of perfume falls.

Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

Do-fun in dufan ;;)

awalnya kita udah ngerencanain mau dufan ber6 sama anak 91. tapi, semuanya kaya gagal gitu aja! pupus juga sih gua. dan itu semua karena ada anak dr sekolah lain, yaa... bisa dibilang bejatlah yaa?!! grgr dia tementemen gua jadi kena masalah!

akhirnya, gua dufan sama ladies2nya 93. tadinya mau berangkat bareng saskya, ternyata dia udah berangkat duluan. akhirnya gua gready hazel enny naik taksi ke dufan. krn jihan juga ditinggalin sama saskya dan dia nlp kita akhirnya kita tungguin tuh di pasar benhil. bete juga ce menunggu haha apalagi menunggu sesuatu yang tidak pasti(?) 

akhirnya yang ditunggu2 daritadi dateng juga! lanjut otw dufan lagi. 

arrived. and you know what? dufan masih tutup. dan bukanya jam setengah 1 atau 2 gitu. hell-o?! akhirnya kita bersabar menunggu (lagi) sambil foto-foto. 

pas udah dibuka karena ke tragisan pengunjung juga yang ngebuka paksa gituannya (gatau apaan namanya) akhirnya kita bisa masuk. YEAY! kita semua sudah lelah. ganti baju dan langsung caw main!

sebenernya kita buat video-video gituu, tapi belom di upload sama yang punya slr -.- maghrib kita makan dan abis itu back to home! kita balik naik mobil bella, yang ga muat di muatmuatin yang badannya gak slim di slimslimin-_- sampe di sekolah gua sama enny balik ke rumah gua, enny nginep yaa krn udah malem juga sih, dia mana berani-_- 

thanks for a funny day! i love you all ;) i'm soooooo happy!

Sahabat yang baik sulit untuk ditemukan, lebih sulit untuk ditinggalkan, dan tidak mungkin untuk dilupakan - Anonim

Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

Last makrab with XILIF 21.10/06

satnight gua kali ini not alone in home. HAHA berhubung udah single jadi kadang suka keki sendiri kalo satnight mau kemana dan 'sama siapa' masalahnya temen-temen gua juga lagi pada taken-_- sedihnya... kali ini gua satnight bareng XILIF 21.10/06 atau SEBELAS2012 yaa sama aja. yang penting kan kebersamaan.

otw sevel miztix jam 5an dan ketemu sama gitalinadhirah dan sebagian anak kelas 8. ngelawak2 di sevel sambil nunggu yang lain dateng. terus kita caw ke masno, karena disuruh sama aisyah dan pas sampe masno taunya aisyahnya sendiri belom nyampe-___- yaudah akhirnya kita ngobrol2 aja dimasno, trs ada farce, shaviratoto. duuh unyu sekali pasangan dua ini selalu bersama wkwk langgeng ya kalian ;). dan akhirnya aisyah dateng abis itu nadya. 

berhubung jalanan ke rumah fosil diperkirakan macet akhirnya jam setengah 6an gualinadhirahgitafarce otw duluan naik mobil. nadya sama aisyah sama anak-anak. 

arrived at fosil's home! ternyata jalanannya emang beneran macet-_- mungkin ada sistem bukatutup (?) dirumah fosil udah ada dita,eka,enny,jange,rani,dll. maaf ga bisa sebutin satu2, gua sendiri lupa-_-

nunggu anak-anak pada ngumpul semua dan akhirnya jam 7 makrab dimulai! 

abis kita selesai makrab ngomongin ttg angkatan dan blablabla. gua main dulu dan balik bareng sama anak-anak naik motor jam 10 apa 11 gitu, gatau deh lupa. gua gak balik ke rumah, krn.... ya gitu deh gua gak boleh pulang malem. akhirnya gua nginep dirumah nadya. 

gua makasih banget buat satnightnya @XILIF2110_06 dan buat fosil yang udah nyediain tempat. sorry kalo kita berantakin rumahnya (:

Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

last time - secondhand serenade

I'm stuck with writing songs

Just to forget
What they really were about
And these words are bringing me so deeply insane
That I don't think I can take my way out

I couldn't breathe through it
Like I need to and the words don't mean a thing

So I'll sing this song to you
For the last time
And my heart is torn in two
Thinking of days spent without you
And there is nothing left to prove

I'm counting all the things I could have done
To make you see
That I wanted us to be what I go to sleep and dream of
I want you to know that I'd die for you
I'd die for you
I couldn't breathe through it
Like I need to and the words don't mean a thing

So I'll sing this song to you
For the last time
And my heart is torn in two
Thinking of the days spent without you
And there's nothing left to prove

And if you are alone
Make sure you're not lonely
'Cause if you are, I blame myself
For never being home
I know I'm not the only one
Who will treat you like they should
Like you deserve

I'm stuck with writing songs
Just to forget

So I'll sing this song to you
For the last time
And my heart is torn in two
Thinking of the days spent without you
And there's nothing left to prove

Kamis, 03 Mei 2012


Dari beberapa pilihan mau foto buku tahunan temanya apa akhirnya anak-anak kelas gua mutusin temanya glamour. Ini beberapa foto behind the scenes.

MaBro :3

gurlzzz in nineone ;;) 

angket terbadai with @irszaramadhan


oiya btw doain ya gue lulus dengan nem yang bagus dan semoga juga XILIF 21.10/06 LULUS 100% o:)